Previous Seasons
3on3 cup (sticky) written by hassan, 2009-03-15 15:03 CET (1 comments)
3on3 cup starts on 23.06.2009
General Rules:
* No Teams with TBA Lineups
* No ESL/CB Banned players/ETBOT 4.20 LIST
* No guids younger than 3 months
* Loser bracket
* Only Teams with minimum of 2 players are allowed
* The Captain of a Team has to stay in #darts-cup
* Forfeit after 10minutes of noshow
* Score = 1:1 -> Cointoss winner begins to eliminate maps ( loser choose axis/allies)
* Every player of the Team has to record demo's
* Side allowed on all maps
* Scores have to be sent to an admin via irc (screenshot required)
Map pool (cb):
* et_beach
* sw_goldrush_te
* Adlernest
* Supply
* sp_delivery_te
* Braundorf_b4
* Frostbite
* et_ice
* tc_base
First round 15.00-15.30 adlernest
Second round 15.30-16.00 supply
Third round 16.00-16.30 et_ice
Final 17.00
3on3 cup starts on 23.06.2009
General Rules:
* No Teams with TBA Lineups
* No ESL/CB Banned players/ETBOT 4.20 LIST
* No guids younger than 3 months
* Loser bracket
* Only Teams with minimum of 2 players are allowed
* The Captain of a Team has to stay in #darts-cup
* Forfeit after 10minutes of noshow
* Score = 1:1 -> Cointoss winner begins to eliminate maps ( loser choose axis/allies)
* Every player of the Team has to record demo's
* Side allowed on all maps
* Scores have to be sent to an admin via irc (screenshot required)
Map pool (cb):
* et_beach
* sw_goldrush_te
* Adlernest
* Supply
* sp_delivery_te
* Braundorf_b4
* Frostbite
* et_ice
* tc_base
First round 15.00-15.30 adlernest
Second round 15.30-16.00 supply
Third round 16.00-16.30 et_ice
Final 17.00
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